Application of polymer materials in automotive industry

Application of polymer materials in automotive industry

Nowadays, a large portion of automotive parts are manufactured from polymeric materials, particularly thermoplastic polymers.

Using plastics instead of metals, has simplified manufacturing processes, cut processing costs and expanded automotive parts design capabilities. As the energy required for processing plastics is lower than metals processing energy, using plastics instead of metals results in lowering CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Plastics are generally lighter and have lower densities compared to metals and therefore as a result of application of plastics in automotive industry, the overall weight of cars has lowered and fuel consumption and air pollution is immensely reduced in the past recent years. Some other advantages of using plastics in automotive industry include recyclability, enhanced passenger comfort and safety, Aesthetic improvements and variety in design. Various plastics are used in different sections of cars. Engineering plastics like polyamides (PA) are used in auto engine. Numerous grades of polypropylene (PP) are used in interior and exterior parts of cars. Polycarbonates (PC) and Polymethylmethacrylates (PMMA) are used in cars headlights. Moreover, some other polymers used in automotive industry are Polyurethane (PU), Polyacetal (POM) and Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT). Mobasherin, in addition to providing consultation to various automotive industries in the field of parts design with engineering plastics, supplies a vast variety of engineering plastics and superior compounds to OEMs, as well as Tier 1 and Tier 2 automotive companies.

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